Liewe Mede-Inwoner,
Dit was ‘n maand met baie beurtkrag, en selfs fase 6 was op die agenda, maar die laaste paar dae was so heerlik sonder enige beurtkrag dat ons sommer ekstra dankbaar daarvoor is. So is ons hele lewe in tye ingedeel wat wissel tussen so baie verskillende lewensfases wat ons elkeen afsonderlik beleef. Vir alles moet ons net onthou wat ek beleef bly dit my keuse hoe ek dit beleef. As gelowiges kan ons vashouen weet op geen pad is ek ooit alleen nie en dis heerlik om saam met ons onveranderlike Here se hulp en bystand elke nuwe dag te mag begin!
Om te kom en gaan is ook iets wat ons almal al baie beleef het en dit verander nooit. Om te groet vir weggaan of vir verwelkoming bly ‘n gewone belewenis wat ons ook elkeen al dikwels beleef het maar hier het ons die kans om ook daarin na mekaar met liefde uit te reik.
Maureen gee aan ons volledig verslag van ons Inwonerstee en ek sê vir haar spesiaal dankie :
Sy is ‘n Ster!!
The intentions behind the Older Person’s Act are “excellent and very comprehensive, designed to help the country’s many needy old people” – but practical problems hinder its application, Karel Nel, secretary of the Jagersbosch board of directors, said at our July resident’s tea.
For instance, a lack of time and of training facilities for caregivers, a shortage of funds made worse by government withdrawing subsidies vital to some facilities, and regulations that are sometimes draconian when applied, work against the intended benefits, Mr Nel said.
“The law calls for free health care for frail older people, which sounds good, but who will pay for it? The State is withdrawing its subsidies instead of increasing them. To deliver a service you must have trained caregivers. The problem is that there is no proper training available for caregivers. As things now stand, they must train elsewhere for up to six months. Also, facilities are so busy fulfilling the requirements of the law that they don’t have time for training.”
Mr Nel applauded the purpose of the law to maintain the status and dignity of older persons, their well-being, safety and security and the intention to make all old people equal, regardless of previous training, profession or status in life. “The country’s Constitution protects our human rights, but this law grants special rights to older people.”
In terms of the law, residents of facilities for older persons must be part of the decision-making process governing their surroundings. “You must have a committee of residents to represent you,” said Mr Nel.
A complaint’s procedure promotes a speedy as possible resolution process, with settlement attempts beginning at the source and progressing as far as an ombudsman when all else fails.
“If anyone sees an older person being abused or needing help, he must report it to the police. The State has a welfare worker who must investigate. Abuse is any kind of sexual, psychological, demeaning and humiliating conduct that causes emotional pain, and includes the resident being deprived of his finances or possessions. There must be transparency regarding the financial condition of the facility accommodating residents and when changes in management take place.”
Ons het weer baie bederfgeleenthede gehad wat ons opreg waardeer. Die Familie en Vriende het kom pannekoek bak en daar was die Bangers&Mash-aandfunksie by die gholfbaan se saal waar die groot geskenkhouer wat by die kantoor se venster gestaan het ‘n gelukkige persoon s’n geword het. Daar was ‘n verkoping een aand by die winter Kersfeesaand wat in die dorp gehou is en ons kon kerrievis koop wat Suster Sonja Lizmore beplan het. Ons het heerlike lemoene present gekry en Isak Jonker se klere aanbieding was weer hier.
Die onderste gang het eendag saam tee gedrink en al die mans was genooi om een middag alleen tee en verversings te geniet en ons sê dankie vir lede van Inwonerskomitee daarvoor .
Verjaarsdae het ons saam met inwoners, personeel en Beheerraadslede gevier. Ons beste wense vir vrede en vreugde in die hart vir elke dag van die nuwe lewensjaar stuur ons met liefde en dank vir julle diensbaarheid hier by ons. Lizette Venter het ook weer almal wat in Junie en Julie verjaar het bederf met ‘n heerlike verjaardagparty en ons bedank haar opreg vir hierdie liefdesdiens wat sy al so lank hier kom doen.
Here’s a friendly reminder of dining hall rules we are asked to follow for the smooth running of Feedem’s service to us, and to help avoid food wastage.
Good communication is key in following these rules, so let’s take the time to
· Inform the kitchen staff when we plan to skip lunch. We can record our planned absence any time up until 9h00 on the day we will be away, writing it in the book in the dining hall and remembering please to include our name and the dates we will not want food from the kitchen.
· If we are here, we are asked to please be present in the dining hall for lunch no later than 11h50 so that we do not miss any important announcements.
· Take-away meals will be supplied on any given day if we leave our food containers in the usual spot. Containers may be brought to the kitchen up until a few minutes before lunch.
· Breakfasts may not be served in rooms without the sister’s authorization.
Verbeterings in ons gebou vind nog elke dag plaas en ons is bly die kantoor lyk so mooi en die plasing van die meubels in die Raadsaal is pragtig. Die eetsaal se plasing van die tafels laat alles weer anders lyk en die gekap het vertel van ‘n bad in ‘n enkelwoonstel bo wat deur’n stort vervang word .
Ek wil ook graag herinner aan die noodnommer wat ons aan ons mense kan deurgee as daar ‘n dag kom wat hulle ons moet kontak en die foon om een of ander rede hier nie werk nie – 072 673 7958
Met vriendelike groete,
Marie van Heerden en Maureen Marud